Monday, December 28, 2009

Lowly paid bus driver cause accident??!!

Quoted from Zainal Rampak interview as Transport Worker Union (TWU) secreatary general - Lowly Paid and Exhaustive Driver cause accident.

It's non other than this right moment to issue a statement that will uphold your name in the Union. After the tragedy that killed 10 passangers instantly due to driver's carelessness (based on news report that he admitted to be sleepy) where the whole nation is pointing finger to bus driver and came out with some outrageous and almost ridiculous suggestions i.e. bus to only operates in daytime, at least some one is defending the driver ('s not Karpal Singh this time).

However, the statement made by the TWU secreatary general can still be argued. Receiving low pay is not an acceptable excuse to involve in drugs to keep awake when driving the bus. People will mostly agree that drugs are more expensive and 'control' item compared to cigarette. I suppose that the all drivers who take drugs are also smokers...(it'll be a surprise if they only take drugs but didn't smoke). The question is why spend your small salary on drugs and cigarettes if the salary you received is really that small??!!

Another point that we should take note is that bus drivers will normally receive special treatment when they stop at the selective restaurant in course of the journey. They will be entertained by the restaurant's patron by giving them free foods, drinks and cigarettes. Sometimes, bus passangers have to wait for the driver to show up...maybe he was really taking his time to rest in the expensive treatment they received at the not-cheap-at-all restaurant for the bus passengers.

Maybe the driver in this case is sleepy because he has his stomach full after stop in the journey...or is it because his failure to get involve in drugs, thus the accident occured?

What has been missing are talks in upgrading the life and duty of the bus driver. I'm not sure who determine the RM500 basic salary for them. I supposed its not derived from the market. But if it does, then there are certain players who are toying with other people income in this case.

Another point that sounds ridiculous but practical suggestion is to start a journey with a little 'doa' by the bus driver on least he will knows that he has been 'entrusted' to carry people lives on his steering and pedals.

Or is it time for LPKP to have direct monitoring or at least telecommunications with buses operating especially at night, just as for pilot who are communicating with the control tower. LPKP can check now and then just to ensure that the bus driver is still awake.

Now it's back to the question...does lowly paid bus driver cause accident?? Hence, it's better to have unpaid bus driver cause they won't drive the least we can 'save' some lives from the road...

Kenapa perpaduan Melayu rapuh??!!

Apabila tiba waktu solat berjemaah di Malaysia - tak kira la di masjid bandar, kampung atau di surau ofis...satu perbezaan ketara yang dapat aku rasa adalah dalam kerapatan saf jemaah...

Di Australia...surau / masjidnya kecil hatta jika masjidnya besar sekalipun apabila waktu solat berjemaah, kedudukan jemaah berdiri di dalam saf amat rapat...tak kira la apa bangsa - Arab, Melayu, Jawa, India, China dll. yang tak kenal dan tak paham bahasa ibunda masing-masing, saf yang dibuat amat rapat - menyerlahkan ukhuwah silaturrahim sesama Islam. (Para sahabat bila berjemaah dan bila duduk, daun yang jatuh dari atas takkan jejak ke bumi akibat keakraban saf mereka..)

Di Malaysia....kita ada banyak masjid-masjid yang gah...surau-surau yang kalau boleh semua kampung dan taman perumahan nak 'sorang' satu sebijik, tak mau share. Tapi bila time solat berjemaah...lesu tu lain cerita. Jemaah yang ada pun safnya tak berapa nak rapat...kadang kala bila kita nak rapat orang sebelah siap elak sikit tak nak rapat... seperkara lagi di masjid yang ada tikar sembahyang (sejadah) yang 'individual' tapi dijahit antara satu dengan lain untuk jadi sejadah panjang..aku tak berapa nak kenan pasal bila orang solat berjemaah dia akan diri seolah-olah dia solat sendirian - bila nak sujud tu nak kena tengah-tengah gambor kat sejadah walhal tu solat jemaah...penat imam kata rapatkan SAF...

Saf di Malaysia tak berapa nak padu...renggang walaupun yang solat tu majoritinya orang Islam berbangsa Melayu...mungkin sebab tu bangsaku susah nak bersatu...mungkin sebab tu perpaduan kita rapuh....

Why we have to pay RM50 more?

Starting from 1st January 2010, all credit card holders will be imposed with RM50 government tax on top of the annual fees that they are paying to the bank all this while. The first thing that came into my mind is that this move is introduced to prevent too many people signing up for credit cards and at the end of the day ended up becoming bankrupt due to inability to pay for the credit cards' debt.

I have started using my credit card since 1998/99. At that point of time to get a credit card is not as easy as today. The compliance rules are quite strict e.g. you cannot get a credit card if you're not gaining enough income to have one. But, still with some 'help' I managed to get a credit card - instead 2 credit cards - Master and Visa (which I have cancelled one of them because both were carrying the credit limit amount together). My salary at that point of time is RM2000 (nett) and what stopping me from getting the card in a 'clean' way is my working status as 'contract worker'. Till now, I still retained the card (I mean the account - the card itself has been replaced in a number of occasions).

Looking back at the issue of imposing RM50 annual tax to credit card holders, I am at first not too keen as I thought only new applicants will be charged the RM50 fees. But, later I found out that current card holders were also being charged the same amount and to make it worse is that you'll be charged when you're renewing the card or during when its annual fees need to be paid.

In my experience, I came across three types of credit cards owner (not user):

1. Those who have credit cards and like to spend all the time using their card.
- this category can further be divided into two i.e. those who can afford to pay and those who cannot afford to pay

2. Those who like to boast or looks cool for keeping credit card in their wallet.

3. Those who need to keep credit cards for emergency usage.

The RM50 tax will not be strongly felt by the first category especially the second type in the first category.

It might hit the target of eliminating the second category of credit card owner.

However, it will be a big slap to the third category of owner.

For me, I was once the second category when I first started having credit cards, I have fallen into the first category (both types in this category) as well and now I've considered myself as the third category.

Credit card would be handful when you need to book a room in a hotel during outstation works or if your work demand you to travel all around, having a credit card which debt you can pay when you received your salary or allowance for the travel you made is something to be think about.

Thus I think it is unjustified to charge the RM50 especially for the last category of credit card owner. It might be more reasonable to charge a person on his second or third credit card that he or she has. Even that, having two credit cards are sometime beneficial especially when your first credit card cannot 'go through' in a transaction, so you still have a second lifeline for that.

It is also might be more reasonable for the government to charge the bank the RM50 for any issuance of credit cards to a new applicant or for current applicant who the bank will be giving him his second, third or even seventh credit card under his name. Hence, any bank will think twice before issuing any credit card. After all bank has been taken our money from unreasonable and irresponsible source i.e. charging RM0.50 for the fourth and more cash withdrawal that we made.

The RM50 is introduced during high time when inflation hit the world (even though Malaysia seems to be inflation-free..hmmmph..), when the price of basic goods keep rising - illogical enough during festive season...and we have so many festive seasons to cherish in a year. Further, the introduction of 4% GST next year still remain a mystery in terms of the impact that it may carry.

By the way, I just wonder if we can pay the RM50 tax using a credit card??!!

Sydney - Last Day

Hari terakhir tidur di Coffs Harbour, pagi-pagi lagi dah keluar check out...tak nak habiskan masa dalam bilik motel tu...lagipun dah teruk kena selsema rasanya dek habuk yang ada 'bersembunyi' di celahan urat-urat benang karpet di dalam bilik motel tu...

Keluar dari motel tu, kami tuju ke kawasan pelabuhan tempat ada pengkalan kapal di Coffs Harbour. Singgah-singgah di kedai souvenir untuk beli 'fridge magnet' sebagai koleksi kami. Tiba di salah satu kedai tu ada pulak signboard 'Whale Watching $39' (tu dah kira murah bagi kami pasal biasanya dalam $65 untuk dewasa)...tanya-tanya dengan orang kedai tu, dia kata bot jalan dalam pukul 1.00 tengahari. Selepas berbincang akhirnya kami setuju untuk pi whale watching...kiranya klimaks percutian kami sekeluargalah.

Sementara nak menunggu masa untuk whale watching tu, kami pergi ke The Big Banana - pisang besar. Big Banana ni sebenarnya tempat ladang pisang yang telah dikomersialkan menjadi tempat pelancongan. Ada siap tour di ladang pisang, di depan ada satu replika pisang gergasi yang pengunjung boleh masuk ke dalamnya dan di belakang pisang gergasi ni ada kedai souvenir dengan pelbagai aneka barangan yang hampir kesemuanya mempunyai ciri-ciri 'kepisangan' - tapi tak de pulak jual 'lepat pisang' atau 'pisang salai'. Lama jugak menghabiskan masa di situ pasal nak 'beli' masa untuk tunggu bot berlepas untuk whale watching.

Bila dah tiba masa bot berlepas, kami pun pegi balik ke jeti / marina tempat bot yang kami naiki ni diusahakan oleh famili kedai souvenir tempat kami membeli tiket. Bot tu agak besar. Nama bot tu 'Spirit of Coffs Harbour'. Kami satu-satunya keluarga bangsa asing yang naik bot tersebut.

Bot yang kami naik tu tak dipandu selaju mana. Tempat 'lubuk' melihat whale (paus) pun taklah sejauh mana dari marina tempat kami naik. Tapi tempoh nak mencari whale tu agak lama. Tak de pun radar atau GPS diguna untuk cari whale...pemandu bot cuma guna teropong saja...berpusing-pusing, berlegar-legar mencari...ada lebih setengah jam masih tak nampak apa-apa. Rasa letih dan boring pun ada...tapi akhirnya nampak jugak whale-whale (bukan weil...weil)yang di cari. Bila dah ternampak barulah rasa seronok. Ada satu masa tu, tengah-tengah dok tengok whale yang jauh di depan, ada pulak dua ekor whale yang ikut dekat di belakang bot dalam beberapa meter saja. Tapi sekejap saja, tak sempat nak ambik gambor pun.

Dalam jam 3.00 petang, kami pun naik semula ke darat. Selepas dari tu, kami bertolak balik ke Brisbane. Jalan yang dilalui tak segah lebuhraya di Malaysia, lori treler memang laju-laju, tapi jalan ni memang banyak disediakan ruang memotong, jadi tak berapa risau sangat memandu kat jalan ni. Semasa dalam perjalanan, kami singgah untuk ambil gambar di Big Prawn (replika udang besar)di Ballina. Perjalan diteruskan lagi dan lalu di Byron Bay, tapi tak dapat tengok apa-apa pasal dah gelap. 'Orang kata' pemandangan pantai di sini cantik.

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya kami tiba di rumah. Masa tu dah dalam pukul 9 malam. Singgah kedai beli makan dan tidur lena malam tu...kepenatan beberapa jam duduk di laut.
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